- 1 - Payment once made is not transferable, not refundable in any circumstances whatsoever.
- 2 - Fee installments should be deposited within the 1st week of every month or he/she has to pay a fine of Rs. 10 per day.
- 3 - If the fee is not paid for any two months, the admission will be cancelled automatically..
- 4 - Re-admission fee is compulsory to continue the course.
- 5 - All the emi's has to be paid in the initial months. For six months diploma you need to pay it in first three months, for one year diploma in first six months and in case of two years diploma it has to be paid in first fourteen months
- 6 - Every emi costs you Rs. 500 extra.
- 7 - If you have any sort of problem related to timings, class duration, syllabus or course duration, you can get some adjustments done after getting approval from the director. The classes can be adjusted but any refunds are not in the provision. These adjustments are subject to approval.
- 8 - Fee refund post admission will not be permitted in any case. Fees paid for a particular course student cannot be adjusted or transferred in favour of other subject/course.
- 9 - The program is valid for the candidate who has been enrolled, it cannot be transferred to any of his relatives or friends.
- 10 - Fee will not be refunded if the student or parents change residence/are transferred . In such cases the student will be accommodated at NIFA center in proximity to the new residence.
- 11 - Cheque dishonor will attract a penalty of Rs. 500 and/or legal action.
- 12 - Admission of child is effective only after down payment of full fee or submissions of post dated cheques. Please note that NO RECEIPT will be generated and or issued by NIFA unless the above has been complied with.
Exhibitions and Workshops
- 1 - Annual exhibition will be held at the end of the year as per the availability of the exhibition venue.
- 2 - The date and venue of the exhibition will be finalized as per the decision taken by the management. .
- 3 - For participation in exhibitions, student has to pay a participation fee. It is not included in the annual tuition fee.
- 4 - Workshops, outdoor visits, competitions and theory classes will be arranged as per the requirement and availability of managerial staff. These all are extra and complementary features and we do not commit these on regular basis.
- 5 - Institute can arrange such workshops or lectures in any one of the branch and students will be requested to go and attend these in the given branch for that day.
Course Duration
- 1 - One year program is officially 11 months program though institute gives complete twelve months to finish the syllabus.
- 2 - If a student takes a break or off in between the year, he/she needs to finish the syllabus by taking extra classes on weekend as per the availability. Institute would not be extending the course duration in any circumstances.
- 3 - In case of any extension due to any unavoidable situation you need to write an application to the director and get his approval. You may get extension after his approval and you will be getting a receipt for it.
Assignments and Submissions
- 1 - After completion of each and every topic, student needs to give test, assignments and submissions as monthly assessments.
- 2 - Every diploma student has to give submissions of his art works for the annual assessment in order to complete the process of diploma. The number of submissions depends upon the diploma plan you opt for. For six months diploma student has to give one submission, for one year two submissions and for two years four submissions. These submissions would be institute's property.
- 1 - The stationary is not included in the course fee, the expenses of the stationary has to be borne by the student only.
- 2 - We don't commit discount on stationary. We keep it only to facilitate you. It's not mandatory to buy it from us you can purchase it from outside also.
- 1 - We don't commit one faculty member throughout the year. If there are some unavoidable situations, the management has the right to change the faculty if needed.
- 2 - We do offer customize courses as per your demand but you must give an application to get the changes done in your syllabus and curriculum.
- 3 - We don't allow big canvas to paint in the institute. If you damage any institute's property you need to pay for it.
- 4 - Last working day of every month will be an off for all the students.
- 5 - We don't provide any kind of home tuition, private coaching, and portfolio completion by the faculty member. All these acts are not permitted.
- 6 - We don't ask students to bring any money to celebrate birthday parties or festivals, that's completely student's choice if they arrange some event on their own. We can allow them to use the premises. On students request we can also arrange a proper party or event which will be chargeable and you will get a receipt for that amount. Please don't pay any amount if your representative does not provide you the receipt. We would not be able to accept any kind of verbal commitment by them.
- 7 - Institute does not provide lockers, place to keep your belongings, stationary, paintings, etc. though students keep their wet paintings in the institute only but on their own risk.
- 8 - Institute does not promise same age group student in one batch as fine arts is a subject where all age group candidates are welcome to join us.
- 9 - If any of our representatives makes any invalid commitments the management will not be responsible for it.
- 10 - If any of our representatives makes any invalid commitments the management will not be responsible for it.
- 11 - Change of course is subject to availability of seats in other program.
- 12 - If a student is found misbehaving with any staff or with any other student. He/she will be suspended without any fee refund.
- 13 - NIFA center holds the right to use comments/names/photographs of any of its students/their parents for the purpose of any communication/marketing initiative regarding NIFA and its centers. NIFA shall have the absolute right to the database of students and their details for use in all promotional material. Parents/Guardian agree to such use.
- 14 - NIFA center holds the right to use comments/names/photographs of any of its students/their parents for the purpose of any communication/marketing initiative regarding NIFA and its centers. NIFA shall have the absolute right to the database of students and their details for use in all promotional material. Parents/Guardian agree to such use.
- 15 - NIFA center will be using your contact details to communicate necessary information even if you are DO NOT DISTURB/DO NOT CALL subscriber.
- 16 - Post admission and allocation of batches, no changes will be permitted. Allotment of batches and sessions is solely the discretion of NIFA centers. Management of NIFA has the absolute right to change class timings/ working days.
- 17 - Attendance in all lectures and examinations is essential for enhancing performance. Parents are requested to ensure that their child attends all the classes and examinations. However NIFA does not take any responsibility for non-attendance of the students. Parents/Guardian understands that NIFA shall endeavor to impart knowledge and advice the students as per his or her curriculum to the best of its ability in the given circumstances but shall not be responsible for non-performance/poor grades of the students in any manner.
- 18 - Discipline in classrooms and on the premises must be maintained at all times by the students. NIFA reserves the right to suspend or dismiss or disallow any student from attending classes in case such student is found to be misbehaving with other students and/or NIFA Management or indulging in activities which are uncalled for or improper conduct. It to be understood that Management has the responsibility to maintain discipline and decorum within the classroom for the overall benefit of all the students, accordingly NIFA Management shall have the sole right and discretion to take decision/ action considered necessary to maintain decorum and discipline at the centers. In case any student dismisses or disallowed to attend classes on such grounds then the fee paid shall not be refunded under any circumstances whatsoever.
- 19 - Any damage to NIFA center property will have to be compensated by the parent/guardian of the student responsible for such damage.
- 20 - Smoking/ Chewing tobacco/ Consumption of alcohol/passing derogatory remarks is strictly prohibited on the NIFA premises.
- 21 - Parents are responsible to check the health conditions of their child and ensure that he is medically fit before sending him/her to the center to attend classes. First-Aid kit will be available to the center for any immediate attention.
- 22 - The Terms and Conditions mentioned above shall be governed by the laws of India and any dispute or differences between NIFA centers and Parents/Guardians/the other party shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Courts at Delhi.